Chat24 Project In Php With Source Code

Chat24 Project In Php With Source Code

About This Project

Online Chat 24 is a web based application where group of individuals can conversation.


  1. Users Login
  2. Admin Login
  3. Admin can add and delete a user.
  4. Users can conversation with multiple users
  5. User Can Create a Group Chat
  6. User Can Set a Password in Group
  7. Anybody can join open groups.
  8. Private group needed password.

Framework Used:

Dreamweaver, Wamp, XXAMP (Any local server)

Admin Description:

Login: Admin

Password: Admin

User Description:

Login id: Projecto

Password: 0000

How to Run:

  1. Download the file and unzip it.
  2. Start the XAMPP (localhost).
  3. Move the unzipped file into xampp/htdocs.
  4. Open localhost/phpmyadmin on the browser.
  5. And create the database ‘chat’.
  6. Import section and select ‘chat.sql’ from the database folder.
  7. Now select a new tab and open localhost/chat24.
